A powerful venue sourcing network
Venue sourcing options for all types of planners
Get started for free to browse over 300K+ hotels & venues in the Cvent Supplier Network. Filter your results, send one RFP to multiple venues, and pull reports to manage your venue data.
Need more customized and automated features for your event? Upgrade to the enterprise plan to streamline your entire sourcing process.
Hear what our customers have to say

Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits
"We had to adjust what our live events would look like, and Cvent helped us be prepared for that with the new features they implemented in the Supplier Network. We used custom criteria and the built-in capacity calculator to save hours of manual labor."
Jenny Sosowiecz, Event Planner

"The Cvent Supplier Network enables the team to source venues using unique criteria and filters. Rather than having every single hotel follow up with us individually, they'll go through the NSO and it's very efficient. It saves us tons of time."
Gigi Gleason, Sr. Manager, Global Meetings Solutions
HelmsBriscoe’s Australia and New Zealand business has steadily grown year-over-year, and Cvent has certainly played a role in that.
Kelli Vettoretto, Regional Director for Australia and New Zealand, HelmsBriscoe